Once the inf line has been broken and the enemy is in chaos, you pretty much win since nothing can pin the cav down to dps through its high armor, high hp, and mobility. Once a horse has passed the infantry line (which is easy since its 1 deep), all infantry start to face it thus showing their backs to the enemy which allows other horses to decimate them with free shots. This easily allows the knights to decimate the impact zone before enemy infantry can encircle them since they are spread out in a long line. A one rank line is easy prey for lancers to crack the line and keep moving forward.

AI forms in a long 1 rank line, not with deep ranks as how players combat Horses. This is not a swad knight issue specifically. In the field, vanilla AI tactics cannot really cope with heavy cavalry at all.

My main point is not that Swad Knights are too strong, but instead that all heavy cavalry (higher than hunters) is too strong if used with even 1/2 a brain againy the brain dead native AI. OP is talking about player using Swad Knights vs AI.